A little bit about me…

I am a wife, boy mom, palliative care doctor and life coach.

I experienced burnout during the pandemic and am working on recovering in a way that will allow me to continue practicing medicine while continuing to create a life outside of work that is fulfilling and joyful.  

I always thought I could just push through, get where I wanted to be and everything would be amazing. As it turns out, that was just a recipe for burnout! I pushed so hard for so long that I ended up barely functioning at home and at work. 

Have you bee there? Running around between work and home feeling like you give enough or be enough for everyone else? Are you neglecting your own health & rest to serve everyone around you? 

I get it! I have been there, too. I had to learn to rest and learn to be intentional about how and where I spend my time and my energy. Our time is our most precious and non-renewable resource. 

Now I’m on a mission — I am creating a life I don’t need a vacation from and I want to teach you how to do this, too! 

Laurel Kilpatrick, MD

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